Monday, October 12, 2009

Welcome. Wow, is this scary.

Welcome to Chapter One of a true adventure story. I'm gonna call it "The Day I Went Naked in Public", because that's what this feels like.  Like I'm standing out in the street in front of my house buck naked, and you're all watching and wondering "Who is that crazy woman and when is she gonna put on a robe??"

I've called myself a writer since I was quite young.  I do have some credentials, to be sure -- I majored in magazine journalism in college and did well, I won some writing awards in law school, and I've taught writing (to colleagues in my former life as a lawyer and to youngsters working on those all-powerful college applications).  But let's be honest, shall we?  Those things matter not one bit in the real world -- the street cred world -- of published authors.  And that's the world I'm jonesing to join.

Like most aspiring authors I've got lots of stuff scribbled here and there in some embryonic form.  None of it's seen the light of day, til now.

This blog is my standing naked in the street place, my put my money where my mouth is place.  I'm going to start sharing my scribblings.  And if you want Naked Street Woman to find her bathrobe, please let me know what you think.  Enjoy the scribblings, critique them, and, if you like them, encourage me to write more of them. 

Scribbling Number One coming soon. :-)


  1. I wanted to make sure to get this on my Google Reader for when I have time to read this a bit later. Congrats! Looking forward to it =)

  2. Always write more it is how you find your voice and develop your craft.
    All the very best,
